Browse the neighborhoods in and around Nashville to help narrow down the area you’d most enjoy living! Click on each neighborhood name to collect more information about the area. If you want more information about a specific part of the city, contact an agent today, and they’ll be happy to discuss Nashville neighborhoods.
Where can you find a caramel apple, a historical ghost and an antique lamp all in the same place?
If you are new to the south and have been waiting your whole life for the perfect place to wear a cowboy hat in public come on down to Broadway y’all! Downtown Nashville is a thriving bootstompin hell of a time for tourists and locals alike
East Nashville is a rapidly growing neighborhood that has changed dramatically over the last decade but the local pride of the area is as permanent as the tattoos decorating many of its residents.
If you are too cool for coolness itself and you have a trust fund or a great job, you probably live in Germantown.
South Nashville encompasses the popular Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood and stretches all the way out to Antioch, an affordable outlying neighborhood of Nashville.
Smyrna and Lavergne are situated halfway between Downtown Nashville and Murfreesboro.
Donelson and Hermitage are both neighborhoods that offer convenient access to the airport.
Murfreesboro is an expanding city about thirty minutes outside of Downtown Nashville. It is one of the fastest growing cities in the country and home to Middle Tennessee State University.
Hendersonville is a very historical area of Nashville with its past rooted in country music.
Mt Juliet and Lebanon are suburbs of Nashville and are located in the Wilson County School district. Mount Juliet High School is a top ranked school which is no surprise since Wilson County has a long history of academic success.